99 Japanese Baby Names For Girls and Boys Related to Winter

The whiteness of the snow and the beauty of the starry sky evoke images of transparency and serenity. They can also convey the wish that the child will have the endurance and perseverance to endure the extreme cold of winter.

In this article, we’ll introduce Japanese baby names for girls and boys related to winter.


This kanji looks like a scale or something is hanging from it. This represents preserving food by hanging it up. In other words, the kanji character “冬” was chosen to represent an attempt to spend the winter season when food is scarce.

Touma冬磨磨 means polishing.Boy
Fuyuki冬樹樹 means tree.Boy
Touya冬也也 means also.Boy
Touya冬弥弥 means all the more, increasingly.Boy
Fuyuto冬人人 means human.Boy
Fuyuto冬翔翔 means soar, fly.Boy
Touya冬哉哉 means well.Boy
Touya冬矢矢 means arrow.Boy
Fuyuki冬希希 means hope.Boy
Fuyuhiko冬彦彦 means lad.Boy
Fuyuki冬雪雪 means snow.Girl
Fuyuna冬菜菜 means greens.Girl
Kotoho湖冬穂湖 means lake. 穂 means ears.Girl
Kofuyu小冬小 means small.Girl
Chifuyu千冬千 means thousand.Girl
Tomiko冬美子美 means beauty. 子 means child.Girl
Tomomi冬萌美萌 means sprout. 美 means beauty.Girl
Towa冬羽羽 means wing.Girl
Fuyue冬絵絵 means picture.Girl
Fuyuka冬果果 means fruit.Girl
Fuyuka冬華華 means flower.Girl
Fuyuka冬優花優 means excellent. 花 means flower.Girl
Fuyuki冬妃妃 means princess.Girl
Fuyuko冬子子 means child.Girl
Fuyuna冬奈奈 means what.Girl
Fuyuno冬乃乃 means what.Girl
Fuyumi冬実実 means fruit.Girl
Fuyume冬芽芽 means bud.Girl
Hotomi穂冬美穂 means ears. 美 means beauty.Girl
Mafuyu真冬真 means true.Girl
Mifuyu三冬三 means three.Girl
Fuyuka冬香香 means incense.Girl
Fuyune冬音音 means sound.Girl
Fuyumi冬海海 means sea.Girl
Fuyumi冬美美 means beauty.Girl
Mafuyu舞冬舞 means dance.Girl
Mifuyu美冬美 means beauty.Girl


Snow spreading out before one’s eyes has a beauty that steals the hearts of those who see it. The white beauty of the snow gives an image of freshness. The name “snow” can be used to express the wish that a person will have a pure heart.

Setsuki雪稀稀 means rare.Boy
Tomoyuki智雪智 means wisdom.Boy
Yukihiro雪広広 means wide.Boy
Kiyomu雪 means snow.Neutral
Tomoyuki友雪友 means friend.Boy
Fubuki吹雪吹 means blowing.Boy
Yukito雪人人 means human.Boy
Haruyuki春雪春 means spring.Boy
Yukito雪都都 means capital.Boy
Yukihiko雪彦彦 means lad.Boy
Kazuyuki和雪和 means sum.Boy
Shigeyuki茂雪茂 means grow thick.Boy
Koyuki恋雪恋 means love.Girl
Koyuki湖雪湖 means lake.Girl
Sayuki紗雪紗 means gauze.Girl
Fuyuki冬雪冬 means winter.Girl
Mayuki真雪真 means true.Girl
Yukia雪愛愛 means love.Girl
Yukie雪恵恵 means kindness.Girl
Yukie雪絵絵 means picture.Girl
Yukika雪華華 means flower.Girl
Yukimi雪代代 means teenager.Girl
Yukiyuri雪百合百 means hundred. 合 means combination.Girl
Sayuki沙雪沙 means sand.Girl
Setsuka雪花花 means flower.Girl
Noyuki乃雪乃 means accordingly.Girl
Yukina雪那那 means what.Girl
Yukino雪乃乃 means accordingly.Girl
Yukiha雪羽羽 means wing.Girl
Yukihi雪妃妃 means princess.Girl
Yukiho雪帆帆 means sail.Girl
Yuzuki雪月月 means moon.Girl
Yukiho雪穂穂 means ears.Girl
Miyu美雪美 means beauty.Girl
Yukina雪菜菜 means greens.Girl
Yukino雪野野 means field.Girl
Koyuki小雪小 means small.Girl
Chiyuki千雪千 means thousand.Girl
Miki美雪美 means beauty.Girl
Yukiko雪子子 means child.Girl
Yukina雪奈奈 means what.Girl
Yukine雪音音 means sound.Girl
Yukino雪之之 means this.Girl
Yukiho雪歩歩 means walking.Girl
Yukimi雪美美 means beauty.Girl



Camellia flowers bloom from late fall to early spring, all through the winter. The language of camellia flowers in Japan varies by color. Red is understated splendor, unpretentious grace, and humble virtue; white is perfect beauty, impeccable charm, and supreme loveliness; and pink is understated beauty, modest love, and modesty. It is wonderful to name the baby a flower after the language of flowers.

Tsubaki椿姫姫 means princess.Girl
Tsubaki椿季季 means season.Girl
Tsubaki椿椿 means camellia.Girl
Tsubaki椿樹樹 means tree.Girl
Tsubaki椿椿 means camellia.Girl
Tsubaki椿希希 means hope.Girl


The kanji “柚” is called “yuzu” and is a type of citrus fruit classified in the tangerine family. The language used for yuzu includes “healthy beauty,” “spotless person,” and “sigh of love.”

Yu佑柚佑 means help.Neutral
Yuzuki柚希希 means hope.Neutral
Yuzuki柚稀稀 means rare.Neutral
Yuta柚太太 means thick.Boy
Yuto柚人人 means human.Boy
Yuzuto柚斗斗 means doo.Boy
Yuzuki柚月月 means moon.Neutral
Yuto柚都都 means capital.Boy
Yuika柚衣香衣 means clothes. 香 means incense.Girl
Yuka柚花花 means flower.Girl
Yuho柚穂穂 means ears.Girl
Yuka柚伽伽 means fairy.Girl
Yuka柚花花 means flower.Girl
Yukari柚佳里佳 means good. 里 means village.Girl
Yuzuka柚伽伽 means fairy.Girl
Yuzuka柚歌歌 means song.Girl
Yuzuki柚希希 means hope.Girl
Yuzuki柚稀稀 means rare.Girl
Yuzuha柚葉葉 means leaf.Girl
Yuzuho柚穂穂 means ears.Girl
Yuzumi柚子美子 means child. 美 means beauty.Girl
Yuui柚衣衣 means clothes.Girl
Yuka柚果果 means fruit.Girl
Yuka柚香香 means incense.Girl
Yuki柚妃妃 means princess.Girl
Yuna柚南南 means south.Girl
Yuna柚奈奈 means what.Girl
Yuka柚香香 means incense.Girl
Yuzuki柚妃妃 means princess.Girl
Yuzuki柚季季 means season.Girl
Yuzuki柚月月 means moon.Girl
Yuzuna柚凪凪 means calm.Girl
Yuzuna柚奈奈 means what.Girl
Yuzune柚音音 means sound.Girl
Yuzuno柚乃乃 means accordingly.Girl
Yuzuha柚巴巴 means comma-design.Girl
Yuzuha柚羽羽 means wing.Girl
Mayu麻柚麻 means hemp.Girl


This kanji represents the romantic image of a comet and the impression of the great scale and mystery of space. In clear winter skies comets are seen more often making it great for names meant to evoke a wintry atmosphere.

Suihei彗平平 means flat.Boy
Kei彗 means comet.Boy
Keito彗人人 means human.Boy
Keito彗斗斗 means doo.Boy
Shunsui旬彗旬 means season.Boy
Sui彗 means comet.Girl
Suika彗花花 means flower.Girl
Hiroe公彗公 means public.Girl
Erena彗玲奈玲 means sound of jewels. 奈 means what.Girl
Suiko彗子子 means child.Girl


In Japan violets suggest a language of “humble,” “sincere,” and “happiness”. These are all fitting for violets that bloom quietly by the roadside. They derive their name from their modest and reserved blooming appearance.

Sumire菫 means violet. Girl
Sumire菫花花 means flower.Girl
Sumire菫玲玲 means sound of jewels.Girl
Sumireko菫子子 means child.Girl

While we introduced Japanese baby girl names, they could be used for people of any gender. Thank you for reading this article. Please take a look at our other articles about Japanese baby names!