Japanese Baby Names For Boys and Girls Related to Light

Some people may find names related to light to be aesthetically pleasing or meaningful as light is often associated with positivity, illumination, and enlightenment; others may choose such names because light is also associated with spirituality and divinity. Parents give names related to light to their baby because they hope they will grow to be a person full of vitality who can brightly illuminate their surroundings.

ray, light

EnglishKanjiMeaning of KanjiGender
Kouichirou光一郎一 means one. 郎 means son.Boy
Kouki光輝輝 means brilliance.Boy
Kousei光晟晟 means clear.Boy
Kouma光馬馬 means horse.Boy
Mitsuki光輝輝 means brilliance.Boy
Yoshimitsu祥光祥 means auspicious.Boy
Ryuukou竜光竜 means dragon.Boy
Kouichi光一一 means one.Boy
Kouei光栄栄 means flourish.Boy
Kouji光児児 means child.Boy
Kouji光志志 means will.Boy
Koujirou光二郎二 means two. 郎 means son.Boy
Kousuke光亮亮 means clear.Boy
Kousuke光佑佑 means help.Boy
Kousuke光祐祐 means help.Boy
Kousei光星星 means star.Boy
Kousei光晴晴 means sunny.Boy
Kouta光汰汰 means washing.Boy
Koutarou光大郎大 means Big. 郎 means son.Boy
Koki光貴貴 means noble.Boy
Hidemitsu秀光秀 means excellence.Boy
Mitsuaki光暁暁 means dawn.Boy
Mitsuki光貴貴 means noble.Boy
Mitsuto光冬冬 means winter.Boy
Mitsuto光都都 means capital.Boy
Mitsuhide光秀秀 means excellence.Boy
Hikaru光 means light.Neutral
Kouno光乃乃 means accordingly.Girl
Miki光希希 means hope.Girl
Miku光来来 means come.Girl
Mikoto光琴琴 means harp.Girl
Misa光咲咲 means blossom.Girl
Mitsuno光乃乃 means accordingly.Girl
Mitsuha光葉葉 means leaf.Girl
Mitsuyo光代代 means teenager.Girl
Mitsuri光里里 means village.Girl
Mizuki光希希 means hope.Girl
Yuumi由光由 means reason.Girl
Yumi悠光悠 means permanence.Girl
Yumi由光由 means reason.Girl

illuminate, shine, compare, bashful

EnglishKanjiMeaning of KanjiGender
Shoei照英英 means hero.Boy
Shoji照治治 means cure.Boy
Shoma照真真 means true.Boy
Teru照琉琉 means gem.Boy
Terutaka照隆隆 means hump.Boy
Teruhisa照久久 means long time.Boy
Teruyuki照之之 means this.Boy
Teruyuki照幸幸 means happiness.Boy
Shota照太太 means thick.Boy
Shoto照人人 means human.Boy
Shouhei照平平 means flat.Boy
Teruki照樹樹 means tree.Boy
Shouichi照一一 means one.Boy
Teruhide照秀秀 means Hide.Boy
Teruyoshi照良良 means good.Boy
Shoko照子子 means child.Girl
Terue照恵恵 means blessing.Girl
Teruko照子子 means child.Girl
Teruna照奈奈 means what.Girl
Teruha照葉葉 means leaf.Girl
Teruyo照代代 means teenager.Girl
Teruka照香香 means incense.Girl
Terumi照美美 means beauty.Girl

radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle

EnglishKanjiMeaning of KanjiGender
Itsuki一輝一 means one.Boy
Eiki栄輝栄 means flourish.Boy
Kaiki海輝海 means ocean.Boy
Kazaki風輝風 means wind.Boy
Koki光輝光 means light.Boy
Koki幸輝幸 means happiness.Boy
Kosei輝星星 means star.Boy
Shoki尚輝尚 means still.Boy
Tomoki知輝知 means knowledge.Boy
Naoki直輝直 means straight.Boy
Nariki成輝成 means formed.Boy
Haruki春輝春 means spring.Boy
Hideki英輝英 means hero.Boy
Hiroki洋輝洋 means sea.Boy
Masaki昌輝昌 means prosperous.Boy
Yuuki勇輝勇 means courage.Boy
Yuuki祐輝祐 means help.Boy
Yuzuki柚輝柚 means citron.Boy
Yoshiteru吉輝吉 means luck.Boy
Kouki航輝航 means navigation.Boy
Teru輝 means brilliance.Boy
Teruhito輝人人 means human.Boy
Mitsuki三輝三 means three.Boy
Yuki優輝優 means excellent.Boy
Yuki夕輝夕 means evening.Boy

bright, light

EnglishKanjiMeaning of KanjiGender
Aki明樹樹 means tree.Boy
Koumei幸明幸 means happiness.Boy
Naoaki尚明尚 means still. Boy
Naoaki直明直 means straight. Boy
Noriaki典明典 means law. Boy
Nobuaki信明信 means faith.Boy
Aki明樹樹 means tree.Boy
Akinori明憲憲 means constitution.Boy
Akiya明弥弥 means all the more.Boy
Asuka明佳佳 means good.Boy
Teruaki照明照 means light.Boy
Teruaki輝明輝 means brilliance.Boy
Tomoaki知明知 means knowledge.Boy
Naoaki直明直 means straight.Boy
Akinobu明伸伸 means extension.Boy
Akinobu明信信 means faith.Boy
Akinori明則則 means rules.Boy
Akane明花音花 means flower. 音 means sound.Girl
Akaho明歩歩 means walking.Girl
Akaho明香帆香 means incense. 帆 means sail.Girl
Akari明璃璃 means lapis lazuli.Girl
Akari明佳里佳 means good. 里 means village.Girl
Akina明奈奈 means what.Girl
Akiho明歩歩 means walking.Girl
Akiho明穂穂 means ears.Girl
Akimi明希美希 means hope. 美 means beauty.Girl
Akiwa明和和 means sum.Girl
Asaka明咲花咲 means blossom. 花 means flower.Girl
Asami明沙実沙 means sand. 実 means fruit.Girl
Asuka明佳佳 means good.Girl
Asuka明寿香寿 means longevity. 香 means incense.Girl
Akane明音音 means sound.Girl
Akari明莉莉 means jasmine.Girl

lamp, light, counter for lights

EnglishKanjiMeaning of KanjiGender
Akari燈 means light.Neutral
Touri燈莉燈 means light. 莉 means Li.Girl
Kouga煌河河 means river.Boy
Koudai煌大大 means big.Boy
Koumei煌明明 means bright.Boy
Kouya煌也也 means also.Boy
Akito煌斗斗 means Big Dipper.Boy
Akihito煌仁仁 means charity.Boy
Kou煌生生 means genuine.Boy
Kouki煌喜喜 means Joy.Boy
Kousuke煌介介 means help.Boy
Koyu煌友友 means friend.Boy
Koga煌雅雅 means gracious.Boy
Kouki煌輝輝 means brilliance.Boy
Koya煌哉哉 means well.Boy
Kota煌汰汰 means luxury.Boy
Kirano煌乃乃 means accordingly.Girl
Kirara煌良良 means good.Girl
Kirari煌里里 means village.Girl

While we introduced Japanese baby girl names, they could be used for people of any gender. Thank you for reading this article. Please take a look at our other articles about Japanese baby names!